Weekend Project: New Midi Controller for Robin.

Posted On June 1, 2014 by otem rellik

This weekend I set out to make a new midi controller for my girlfriend/bandmate Robin. It consists of 20 knobs and two push buttons (one latched, one momentary). This is by far the most controls I’ve ever made for a midi controller. I used a teensy 3.1 board for the brains of the operation.

Wireing and construction went super smooth.

All wired up!

Then I ran into a big snag on the code. Seems that at knob 14 the knobs stopped responding and the first 6 knobs were sending data for two cc’s. I hunted around the internet for many hours until I finally found a forum post that explained what was going on. So, created a new array for the pins and everything worked! Download the sketch at the bottom of this post.

All Finished!


Download sketch here (code may be a bit sloppy, I’m still relatively new to all this)

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